Bringing groups of people together to achieve common goals.
Areas of work logo / campaign
Industry small business
Bringing groups of people together to achieve common goals.
Areas of work
logo / promotion
small business
Camilla Gordon is an expert facilitator who works with groups to build connections, improve communication and achieve lasting change.
Camilla incorporates unique, creative approaches to encourage discussion at her lively workshops – sometimes even providing Lego blocks to promote discussion and lateral thinking by her participants. Camilla’s approach is tailored to suit a range of different clients including charities and NGOs, corporate businesses and young people.
With this in mind, we developed a flexible and creative logo for Camilla. The blocks in the logo can be stacked in different positions. In doing so, they can resemble the steps that Camilla leads her clients along to achieve their goals, or even the building blocks that Camilla provides to allow her participants to thrive as a team through her playful approach.
We took the essence of the logo, and then threw caution to the wind to create a really bold and energetic brand for Camilla Gordon. The blocks used in the logo can be repeated and then stacked neatly or awkwardly to create a variety of different promotions that will appeal to Camilla’s corporate and less-commercial clients alike.
These stacked towers are made up of individual blocks that work together to create solid structures. This is synonymous with Camilla’s workshops where the individual participants work as one to achieve common objectives.
We introduced four different widths and weights of the same font to the brand to further enhance this concept. These different fonts reflect the voices of the individual participants at Camilla’s workshops who each offer a diverse set of approaches, skillsets and viewpoints to the group.
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Sit enim quia ab reiciendis doloremque vel nisi neque vel molestiae quidem. Est cumque deleniti et sint ipsum eos consequatur omnis quo maiores molestiae rem vitae venia. Sit enim quia ab reiciendis doloremque vel nisi neque vel molestiae quidem. Est cumque deleniti et sint ipsum eos consequatur omnis quo maiores molestiae rem vitae venia. Sit enim quia ab reiciendis doloremque vel nisi neque vel molestiae quidem. Est cumque deleniti et sint ipsum eos consequatur omnis quo maiores molestiae rem vitae venia.